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English Speaking Club #6

27 júla, 2023 @ 5:30 pm - 7:00 pm


27. júla o 17.30. Welcome to the new English-speaking club in Poprad. Are you looking to improve your general and business English speaking skills and make some new friends in the process? Come and join us for our first and upcoming English-speaking club on July 27th at 17.30 at CoWorking Poprad. It’s a super chilled out and informal gathering where you can improve your general English-speaking skills as well improve English for your career as we will practice real-life situations where you might need English throughout your career, such as: Elevator pitching, presenting, negotiating, CV and cover letter writing etc, in addition to more general topics. And don’t worry, I’ll make sure to have some delicious coffee on hand. Registration HERE.

Jonathan, a native of Manchester, UK is a UX designer based in Velka Lomnica. He is currently working remotely for Kistler a Swiss provider of measurement technology for pressure, force, torque and acceleration applications where he is helping to develop customer centric approaches to the design of various products and software. Prior to this he worked in Vienna, Austria as a UX researcher for the University of Applied Sciences Management and Sales (FH Wien der WKW), where he worked on a new e-learning platform for students and teachers. Prior to his UX career he worked in the education sector as a teacher of English in both Austria and Slovakia and in London and Bratislava as a visual designer for international and c-level clients. He now calls Poprad home and being a sport lover enjoys the beauty of the area and all it has to offer in terms of hiking, cycling and skiing. He is married to a local ‘Popradčanka’ and has a young son.


27 júla, 2023
5:30 pm - 7:00 pm
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Coworking Poprad
Nám. Svätého Egídia 11/25
Poprad, 1. poschodie 05801 Slovakia (Slovak Republic)
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